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Careers and Opportunities

We are looking for enthusiastic and motivated candidates/volunteers who are interested to work with us in the following projects.


Designing and developing instruments and technology for various applications

We are looking for suitable candidates who have expertise in the field of Physics, Chemistry, Material Science, Engineering, or Machine Learning to work on projects focusing on developing instruments and technology for various applications in the field of health, agriculture, water, and the environment.


​Designing and developing Sensors for various applications

We are looking for suitable candidates who have expertise in the field of Physics, Chemistry, Material Science, Engineering, or Machine Learning to work on projects that involve developing sensors (optical, electrical, mechanical, acoustics, thermal, magnetic, and electronic sensors) for various applications.


Environmental Conservation and Remote Sensing

We are looking for candidates with expertise in GIS to work on various environmental aspects in Kerala


Field work

We are looking for nature and science enthusiasts who are interested to carry out field work in various areas and fields (especially in Kerala) as part of several Environmental and ecology-based projects that we are working on.






We have internship programs for students and candidates who are interested to get involved in scientific research. The time period and duration of the internship program depend on the project.

Get in touch

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